Business Succession

Want to preserve your Business Assets for your Family? Request a no-obligation consultation today to explore your options. 

Business Succession

Hard work and dedication has meant that you have built up a strong business to benefit you and your family. Naturally you would want to ensure that your loved ones are protected and provided for in the event of your death.

So what if the worst should happen and either you, or a business partner were to die?

Who Would Be Entitled To Your Share Of The Business?

Without a valid Will the deceased’s share would be subject to the Laws of Intestacy and the person who inherits may not be the person you intended.

Would you or your business partner be content to run your business with their surviving spouse or their beneficiaries? This could have a major impact on the running of the business or the value of the business may now go down following the death of such a key person.

Without the appropriate Business Succession strategies:

  • Your spouse / partner and children may not inherit your share of a business.
  • Business partners may not be able to buy out the deceased’s share.
  • The surviving spouse or children may be obliged to take over the running of the business.
  • The value of the business could depreciate owing to the inexperience of any beneficiary.
  • The business may have to be sold and the proceeds become liable to Inheritance Tax.

MWQ Estate Planning are able to assist in all areas planning surrounding Business Succession.


old couple happily showing keys of their house

Swift, Professional & Compassionate

Hard work and dedication has meant that you have built up a strong business to benefit you and your family. Naturally you would want to ensure that your loved ones are protected and provided for in the event of your death.


So what if the worst should happen and either you, or a business partner were to die?


At MWQ Estate planning, we have a tailored approach towards the needs of our clients and we ensure to keep this process smooth and quick.

Industry Leaders

We are one of the leading service providers related to all areas surrounding Business Succession.

Reputable Company

We've an excellent reputation on Trustpilot and Bark for providing outstanding Business Succession services to our clients in the UK.

Professional Members

We are member of the Society of Will Writers who govern our practices.

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