
What is Probate?

probate documents and lawyer signing

What is Probate?   Probate is the process of “proving” a Will or alternatively, establishing the validity of a Will. Where there is no valid Will, the process is called Letters of Administration. Personal representatives (executors or administrators if there is no will) must apply for probate or letters of administration. Probate or Letters of […]

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Probate – Who Gets Paid First?

There’s a specific protocol to follow while handling a deceased person’s estate.  It is the responsibility of the Estate’s Executors to settle any outstanding debts before any assets are dispersed. Utility bills, taxes, and burial expenses are all examples of such expenses.  Pecuniary legacies, or bequests of a fixed monetary sum, are next in line

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Probate FAQs

Probate FAQ’s Here are some Frequently Asked Questions, surrounding “Probate”. If there is a question about probate that, ask us and we will get back to you with an answer. Please use the contact form below. CONTACT FORM

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