Estate Planning: Cohabiting Couples

Couples in the United Kingdom are increasingly opting to cohabitate rather than marry. “Common law partners,” contrary to popular belief, are not legally recognised in English law. This means that, unlike their married counterparts, unmarried couples do not have automatic inheritance rights. That is why, now more than ever, cohabiting couples must make estate planning

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Legal Steps to Take If You’ve Been Diagnosed With A Life-Threatening Illness

Aside from the heartbreak and worry that a life-limiting illness diagnosis can bring, there will be a slew of concerns and uncertainties about your care and financial affairs, and it can be difficult to know exactly how to prepare legally.  Health and welfare lasting power of attorney  You can make a Lasting Power of Attorney

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Probate – Who Gets Paid First?

There’s a specific protocol to follow while handling a deceased person’s estate.  It is the responsibility of the Estate’s Executors to settle any outstanding debts before any assets are dispersed. Utility bills, taxes, and burial expenses are all examples of such expenses.  Pecuniary legacies, or bequests of a fixed monetary sum, are next in line

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